Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How to Avoid Distractions and Get Your Daily Tasks Done

How Can I Avoid Distractions?

I get emails and inbox messages all the time about how I get things done daily and avoid distractions. The world we live in today is filled with the access of technology where ever you go. Between checking emails, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more it is easy to get sucked into non-revenue producing activities. I strongly recommend that you take a step back and do a self-assessment like I did and jot down all the non-revenue producing things you do daily.

There are some pretty alarming statistics that relates to Facebook that I want to quickly share. The average time spent on Facebook is 20 minutes per user and 50% of the users between the ages of 18-24 use Facebook when they wake up. You can see that this is pretty alarming and if you are not careful can take you away from activities that produce profits.

What Are Some Things That I Can Eliminate?

The #1 thing that you can do is check emails later in the day that do not relate to a potential prospect or recruit. Emails are easy to get sucked into, because you have solicitors, trivial requests, and more. It is important to discipline yourself in not to check your email every minutes.

The other thing that I mentioned before is that you should really minimize your Facebook use of posting worthless content. Commenting on what you are eating and everything that you are watching on TV is a prime example. You should utilize Facebook for prospecting and adding value to others in your organization and others as well. You should do this by creating a Fan Page to keep your business completely separated from your personal Facebook page.

The last thing is do away with unncessary phone calls regardless if it is friends, family, and even people within your MLM team. Friends and family in a lot of cases have a tendency to just call and gossip or talk about what they saw on TV. Those are definitely conversations that can wait until you have copleted your tasks. Unless the phone call from a team member within your MLM business is about a "hot" prospect that too can wait.

You should write down the key tasks and action items that you want to complete for that day then stick to them. This means that you need to keep your non-revenue producing activities in check and stay discipline. Your daily tasks are different from what I wrote about previously your MLM Daily Action Plan. Examples of tasks that I'm referring to is sending your business opportunity presentation out to a prospect, calling an appointment on time, etc. You should strive to master the function of setting office hours, eliminating distractions, and get your tasks done. Do this and you are one step closer to being successful in your Network Marketing opportunities.

To get a FREE copy of the MLM Daily Action Plan take action and enter your information below!

To your success,

Eric Pannell
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